Detective Comics #937

Detective Comics #937 answers some very important questions about how the army of Batmen were created and why. While Batwoman reluctantly leads her team against her own father, with a pit stop through the deep underground of Gotham which Red Robin has made good use of, Batman breaks out of his cell and does a little investigating as to just what the hell is going on.

The most important piece of information Detective Comics #937 offers is just how the Batmen were able to take down Batman (technically they didn't, their tech did). This addresses my one big complaint with the arc so far as well as points out a glaring weakness for the soldiers who are relying not only on tech stolen from Batman but a sophisticated computer program based on his own fighting style (which, of course could be vulnerable to the right kind of attack).

The other interesting take here is DC deciding to split the idea of the League of Assassins and the League of Shadows into separate malevolent organizations. I'll be curious to see where this leads. While giving us far more of Batman than we've gotten in the past couple of issues, the team continues to shine. Worth a look.

[DC, $2.99]

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