The Shadow: The Death of Margo Lane #1
As with many crimefighters, The Shadow relies on one trusted associate above all others. What happens when that association puts his sidekick (for lack of a better term) in jeopardy? That's the crux of the matter in Dynamite Entertainment's new five-issue mini-series The Shadow: The Death of Margo Lane written and drawn by Matt Wagner.
Despite the gruesome title, no harm comes to Margo Lane in this first issue (presented from Margo's point of view rather than that of The Shadow). Setting up the mini-series new villain known as the Red Empress whose power over the city continues to grow, the Shadow and Margo search both at home and abroad for answers about who their new adversary is and why they have chosen to kidnap a woman for the sole purpose to force a confrontation with The Shadow.
Honestly, I can't say I'm all to keen on seeing Margo Lane bumped off. However, Wagner does tease us will a powerful and elusive adversary in the first issue who I'll likely return to learn more about. Worth a look.
[Dynamite, $3.99]