Rocket Raccoon and Groot #6

Another tale of Rocket Raccoon and Groot's adventures shows off the competitive nature of the two best-friends. Starting simply with a game of pool, things escalate quickly as Groot continues to beat out Rocket at everything from drinking games and darts to a galactic space race.

When the pair are contacted by old friend General Dock in the middle of their race, Rocket and Groot head for planet Olim Seven to pay off their debt and help the war against creatures known as Kiffs. Not wasting the opportunity, Rocket and Groot immediately make killing the creatures part of their competition which, because of their ferocity, ends a war that has last 1,000 years. (Who says competition is bad?)

Even being recognized as heroes can't quite quench the need to one-up each other as their body count ends up tied when the dust is settled. Oh well, I'm sure there will be plenty of other madcap adventures for the pair to prove themselves both winners. Worth a look.

[Marvel, $3.99]

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