Han Solo #1
In his new solo series (heh), everyone's favorite scruffy-looking nerfhereder is badgered into an undercover assignment for the Rebellion. With a leak inside the Rebellion leading the Empire to a network of their spies, and needing a pilot and ship for a dangerous mission, Leia convinces both the reluctant Han and the reluctant Rebel leaders that Han Solo is their man.
The first few pages of the issue, where Han is basically kidnapped and brought to the new Rebel is a bit awkward (did anyone, anywhere believe he would give up control of the Millennium Falcon for any reason?). However, things pick up with the appearance of Leia (and I guess, if you wanted to read between the lines the entire plot to get his ship could be seen as nothing more than a ploy to get Han on board for the mission).
As for that mission, which I'm guessing is going to take up the next several issues. Han and Chewbacca have been signed up for a galactic Cannonball Run of sorts. While competing in the race they will also make stops on three planets in attempts to save the remaining Rebel spies. Worth a look.
[Marvel, $3.99]