Green Arrow: Rebirth #1

Seizing on the mission statement of DC Universe: Rebirth #1 of returning more of the classic feel to both characters and the DCU, Green Arrow: Rebirth #1 returns Oliver Queen to Seattle (rather than Star City) and rekindles a romance forgotten by the New 52.

While investigating a series of disappearances, mostly by the homeless, Green Arrow encounters Black Canary on the trail of an underground human trafficking ring selling those who will not be missed to the highest bidder. Still new to each other, there's an obvious chemistry between the pair and a promise of things to come. With a costume redesign that purposefully makes you think of Arrow, Green Arrow reclaims some of his old liberal swagger and classic goatee. Dinah's clothes remind you of her classic costume while still being a bit updated for the times.

Green Arrow: Rebirth #1 is a solid issue that resets Ollie and Dinah, clues the reader into the new status quo, and blends a bit of both the classic and recent interpretations of the characters for something new. Worth a look.

[DC, $2.99]

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