Astro City #36
Concluding the two-part multi-generational tale of the three men who have been Jack-in-the-Box, Astro City #36 offers answers about what happened to the original hero as well as delivering two separate super-villain origin stories.
It's one of the more tragic tales found in the city limits of Astro City, but "The Other Side of the Story" offers a look at at events from the perspective of the family Mister Drama left behind, and how his hate for his arch-nemesis passed down from widow to daughter to granddaughter and allowed for the creation of the Drama Queen and her plot of revenge.
Just as we saw heroism and a desire to do good passed down in the last issue, here the hatred and need for vengeance leads to the creation of a new super-villain hell-bent on revenge for events she doesn't even understand. Finally uncovering the truth proves too much for the tortured soul who spent her entire life on a singular purpose which, now knowing the truth, can never be fulfilled. Worth a look.
[Vertigo, $3.99]