The Flash - Versus Zoom

In an episode that begins with a flashback to Earth-2, "Versus Zoom" gives us darker version of the origins of Barry (Grant Gustin) as we witness the tragedy of Hunter Zolomon's childhood which would lead him down the path to taking on the personas of both Jay Garrick and Zoom (Teddy Sears). Opening with a sequence that helps explain Barry's short stint on Supergirl, the episode is mainly concerned with the Flash and his friends setting another trap for Zoom which, to absolutely no one's surprise, goes wrong.

Choosing to endanger his own world in order to help Earth-2, Barry bullies a reluctant Cisco (Carlos Valdes) into using his powers in a similar manner of this evil doppelganger and causing them to open a rift back to Earth-2. Barry's enhanced speed helps him stay ahead of Zoom for most of the episode, but eventually when the villain targets Wally (Keiynan Lonsdale) our hero faces one of his biggest defeats and agrees to give up his speed.

Defeated and depleted of his speed, Barry will have to live with the consequences of some pretty awful decision making in this episode. Before the events of "Versus Zoom" Zoom was contained and no longer a threat, Barry's family and friends were safe, and he had just become so fast he could speed into other dimensions. However, by the end of the episode the only thing that keeps him alive is a tearful Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) who Zoom chooses to take as his latest hostage. On the plus side for our battered hero, it appears Iris (Candice Patton) may finally be seeing her future husband in a romantic light.

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