The Blacklist - Cape May
In the calm before the storm, Reddington (James Spader) disappears following Lizzie's (Megan Boone) death. After a week in an opium den (making him a less-than-reliable protagonist) the FBI's most useful confidential informant makes his way to Cape May where he struggles to separate his current situation from the events of his last visit decades before. The appearance of a suicidal woman (Lotte Verbeek) who Red saves from drowning herself in the ocean with an army of masked assassins after her gives Reddington a momentary reprieve from his grief.
The Sixth Sense-style reveal, that nearly everything that happens in this episode actually occurred years before, isn't really surprising. Other than the comonalities of the woman's situation with that of Red, I'm not sure what we're supposed to learn from this episode as nothing revealed here effects his current situation in any meaningful way. It's an interesting stand-alone episode that offers the show's lead character an opportunity to grieve, but it's main purpose seems to be to further the muddle the truth about Katarina Rostova (who may or may not be the woman in Red's hallucinatory memories) and to drag out the FBI's response to Lizzie's death and Reddington seeking revenge for another week.