Supergirl - Better Angels

Quickly wrapping up both the threats of a Krptonite-wielding brainwashed Alex (Chyler Leigh) and the mind-controlled populace of National City by having our hero offer a little hope and appealing to the people's better angels, Supergirl's First Season finale delivers a more insidious threat when Indigo (Laura Vandervoort) convinces Non (Chris Vance) that if he can't control humanity he should wipe them out.

While laying the foundation for next season in new job for Kara (Melissa Benoist) and another cliffhanger, "Better Angels" is an emotional finale as our heroine inspires the populace of her city to fight the Myriad mind control and later offers several individual farewells before heading into her final battle with Non. The episode, like the First Season, is a little shaky at times, but when the focus is on humanity of National City's alien savior Supergirl makes the best of the botched Myriad storyline and salvages a finale that allows Kara both big hero moments and smaller emotional ones while teasing what we have to look forward to in Season Two.

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