Starfire #11

Starfire's time in the underworld of Strata comes to a close, but not before the hero gets to relax with Atlee and Stella and see just what the bizarre land has to offer. Mainly built around deepening the connections between Kory and her friends, is a dialogue-heavy issue without even a single real action sequence (if you ignore Kory's brief misunderstanding with an octopus).

Starfire #11 is a strange issue to jump back into for a series I had largely forgot was still in print. It's certainly not a must-read (especially for a series that's going away with DC Comics' new Rebirth reboot). That said, fans of the character are likely to have fun here seeing Kory more relaxed than usual and enjoying a true day off from her super-heroing duties.

For an issue where not much happens, Kory and her friends discuss some big ideas about a hero's friendships and relationships and how those can be effected by the danger her profession can bring. While I'm guessing these connections will likely melt away after the reboot, it's still a solid issue building on this version of the character. Worth a look.

[DC, $3.99]

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