Hawaii Five-0 - Ka Pono Ku'oko'a
Adam's (Ian Anthony Dale) prison stay gets a bit more interesting with news of Gabriel Waincroft's (Christopher Sean) visit to the prison reaches not only Five-0 but also the new head (Michelle Krusiec) of the Yakuza in Hawaii who goes to great lengths to makes sure Adam turns up dead before working for her competition. When arranging a situation where the prison would have to evacuated and then hitting the bus Adam is on with an IED doesn't end up killing the target, Yakuza hitmen are sent into the jungle after Adam and five other fleeing convicts.
The episode toys with the idea of whether or not Adam is on the run for real or just making the best of bad circumstances for as long as it can allowing Kono (Grace Park) to momentarily doubt her husband. More in danger from each other as the Yakuza hitmen, the escaped convicts number is whittled down by one of their own well before either the police or the Yakuza catch up with them.
The episode's B-story is more lighthearted in nature as Jerry's (Jorge Garcia) sister arrives to get not only him but several other members of the Five-0 supporting cast involved in a helping her with an illegal (but goodhearted) attempt to save a tortured elephant from the local circus. Personally, I think the subplot would have worked better if McGarrett (Alex O'Loughlin) never discovered his team's involvement, but the storyline does end with a humorous moment between Jerry and the commander who enjoys making him squirm.