Castle - Heartbreaker
After finally putting Castle (Nathan Fillion) and Beckett (Stana Katic) back together again, Season Eight offers a surprise by making the reunited pair's first case an episode the revolve almost entirely around Esposito (Jon Huertas). Although it certainly creates some continuity issues to reveal a convict ex-fiance for the police officer this late into the series, Angélica Celaya is so good in the role that when she eventually betrays Esposito it's painful for the audience as well.
The theft of an armored car that left one guard deal leads Esposito to come clean about his former love, an incarcerated thief who he put behind bars after he discovered she had committed similar crimes. Released on a furlough in the NYPD's custody, Sonia immediately starts playing Esposito, but the chemistry is so good that neither he, nor we, mind. All things eventually end once Sonia's true motives are revealed, but the show does leave the characters on good terms suggesting, if Castle continues to stay on the air, that the couple might get a second chance somewhere down the line.
Along with the scenes between Esposito and Sonya, the episode also offers some fun with Castle and Ryan (Seamus Dever) watching the pair's back (and, of course, listening in to their conversation). We even get a look at Esposito's family at one point in the episode as he takes Sonia home for dinner. Sadly, the subplot involving Kate's jealousy to Castle's computerized assistant isn't nearly as entertaining (nor worth the countless build-up over the course of the season for this lukewarm a pay-off).