Supergirl - Worlds Finest
When Barry (Grant Gustin) met Kara (Melissa Benoist). Ever since CBS brought Supergirl to the air this is the crossover fans had been clamoring for. From the the bleakness of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, "Worlds Finest" (pulling on the classic name of super-hero team-ups) is a lighthearted romp of an episode fueled by two of DC's most likable heroes. While attempting to increase his speed to battle Zoom, the Flash accidentally breaks through a dimensional barrier to arrive on the alternate Earth where Supergirl takes place. Less freaked out by the occurrence than curious about each other, Barry and Kara bond almost immediately (which is good for the Girl of Steel given she's got two villains to fight in this episode).
"Worlds Finest" is a jam-packed episode with Barry, the origin of the Silver Banshee (Italia Ricci), Cat Grant (Calista Flockhart) offering Kara relationship advice, and Supergirl still struggling with the distrust from the people of National City following her exposure to Red Kryptonite. The heroes work better than the villains in the episode, but the team-up of Banshee and Livewire (Brit Morgan) does keep the Flash focused on the team-up between heroes and not Barry's need to find a way home. Although it means the Flash isn't all that effective in the fight sequences, the choice to have the city stand-up for Kara who is injured protecting them from the two super-villains works well and brings the current arc of the series full circle.
Having the characters exist on different Earths (a nice analogy for the diffrent networks) offers a reason why we wouldn't see the two pair up as often Barry and Ollie. If this is the only crossover we get Supergirl provides a memorable pairing of the two heroes without sacrificing ongoing storylines. That said, Benoist and Gustin are ridiculously cute together on-screen and I would love to see if CBS and The CW could work out a deal to bring the two back together somewhere down the line.