Once Upon a Time - Devil's Due
The adventures in the Underworld continue as Rumpelstiltskin (Robert Carlyle) enlists the help of Milah (Rachel Shelley) to help find and rescue Hook (Colin O'Donoghue). Despite the uncomfortable awkardness of Milah working both with her former husband and Emma (Jennifer Morrison), a woman who has slept with both her former lover and her son, the unlikely allies are successful in freeing the pirate from Hades (Greg Germann)... at least until the lord of the Underworld decides to make a deal with the Dark One.
It's not surprising to see Rumpelstiltskin betray his comrades in hopes of making it home sooner. However, the scene on which the entire episode shifts (the ominous scene of Rumpelstiltskin dropping his crystal ball) ties into the episode's flashbacks to Rumpelstiltskin's life with Milah and a deal with a healer (Aaron Douglas) which has finally come due. The choice to turn the Dark One into Hades' puppet is an interesting move that offers the villain an excuse for any nefarious deeds (after all he was blackmailed, right?). That said, even if it is against his will, I still think the show is making a mistake in moving the character back firmly to the dark path as his brief moment as a hero was a far more interesting road to let him travel down.