Once Upon a Time - The Brothers Jones
"The Brothers Jones" not only reunites Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) with his brother Liam (Bernard Curry) but the episode also picks up the thread of Henry's (Jared Gilmore) search for the lost quill. While Hook may be happy to see his brother, Liam and Emma (Jennifer Morrison) don't get off to a good start as Liam doesn't think the Savior is good enough for his brother and Emma suspects he is hiding a secret from Hook about why he is stuck in the Underworld. The two might never quite come to see eye-to-eye, but both will stand-up for Hook in their own way and one will make a sacrifice to put right a past transgression.
Although Henry eventually chooses not to use the quill for selfish purposes, he finally appears ready to embrace the duties of his role as the Author. The reveal of an Underworld storybook don't help the group learn Hades (Greg Germann) weakness, thanks to Liam's intervention, but they do reveal to the audience a connection between the god of the Underworld and a certain witch (a relationship which will be explored in next week's episode). Frankly, I'm not all that excited to see yet another return of Zelena but it appears she will play a major role in fleshing out Hades' backstory and possibly providing a clue for our heroes to find a way home.