The Flash - Fast Lane

While fighting the latest meta-human to appear in Central City, Barry (Grant Gustin) is unaware that Earth-2's Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) has created a device to slowly siphon off his speed. Moving slightly slower than normal, the Flash is unable to prevent Iris (Candice Patton) to get injured during one of Tar Pit's (Marco Grazzini) attacks. However, that injury brings Wally (Keiynan Lonsdale) closer to his sister and causes Wells to come clean about what he's done in order to save his daughter from Zoom.

Although visually interesting, Tar Pit (a low-rent criminal turned into a tar monster seeking revenge on those who did him wrong) isn't one of the show's best. His attack ties all three storylines together, but I could have done with less of the West's family drama and more of Wells' internal turmoil as his growing friendship with Barry makes his betrayal all the more difficult. I do appreciate that it is Barry who leads the forgiveness campaign for the scientist leading to next week's long-anticipated crossover into Earth-2 where we'll finally get to see alternate versions of some of the core cast.

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