Atomic Robo and the Ring of Fire #3

Giant monsters attacking the world makes for strange bedfellows. Atomic Robo and his team accept an alliance with China's "Most Perfect Science Division" to help fight Task Force Ultra and Majestic and stop the Biomega attacks around the world. Giving them access to state-of-the-art technology this allows the team to quickly construct Robo with a new body (although the slimmed down version lacks some of the appeal of the original, in my opinion).

On the larger stage we also get a look at the Titan program struggles to stop the growing threat of the Biomega (Pacific Rim style) which only adds to the pressure for Robo and his team to find a solution while also attempting to rebuild Atomic Robo's unique power source all while hiding their technological breakthroughs from their Chinese partners who otherwise could recreate the tech for their own purposes after the threat has past. Their solution is inventive.

It's good to have Atomic Robo back looking more like his old self. And it's about time as the situation is only growing more dire issue by the issue. Worth a look.

[IDW, $3.99]

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