Astro City #28
The latest issue gives us a look into the life and career of the smallest super-hero in Astro City - Wolfspider. Along with explaining the minature hero's condition and unique tools, gizmos, and vehicles, Astro City #28 also features Wolfspider meeting the fictitious heroes who inspired him to become a hero whose appearance in the real world throws everyone for a loop.
As with nearly every issue of Astro City, I'm always wanting more. Although I enjoy these one-off issues I could easily spend far more time with Wolfspider and his unique view of the world from his tiny stature.
The heroes brought to life storyline is a common one in comics. Even if the resolution of the twist is the weakest aspect of the story, there's still plenty to enjoy here including the art of Gary Chaloner who does a good job of fitting his style to match the established art of the series by Brent Anderson far better than we saw in the previous issue (which, while certainly not awful, simply didn't look or feel like Astro City). Worth a look.
[DC, $3.99]