Person of Interest - The Complete Fourth Season

Person of Interest's Fourth Season is a rough one for the operatives of The Machine. Spending all season in hiding and on the run from Samaritan and the new A.I.'s operatives Reese (Jim Caviezel), Finch (Michael Emerson), Root (Amy Acker), and Shaw (Sarah Shahi) will continue to fight the good fight. Highlights of the season include the return of Elias (Enrico Colantoni) and super-fixer Zoe Morgan (Paige Turco), the introduction of Samaritan's own Root, Fusco (Kevin Chapman) getting a few pointers on how to pick-up women, more flashbacks to Finch's early troubles with The Machine, the introductions of new recurring characters such as the Brotherhood, Officer Danni Silva, and Harper, an entire episode from Control's (Camryn Manheim) point-of-view, the war between the computers, the desperate season finale, and the unforgettable fan favorite mid-season episode which delivered all fans of Shaw and Root could hope for... before ripping it all away.

I have to admit I was surprised how long the show has kept the Samaritan arc going (now over a full season). With Shaw lost (at least for now) and The Machine all but destroyed the season ends on a bleak note for our heroes but still offers the faintest of hopes that the war is far from over. Even if the loss of Shahi (due to her real-life pregnancy) hurts the second-half of the season, the show makes up for it will several clever episodes and the introduction of a few new faces I wouldn't mind seeing more of. That said, I hope we don't have to wait long to see Sameen back in action.

Available on both Blu-ray and DVD, extras include UV digital copies of the episodes, a gag reel, the show's 2014 Comic-Con panel, and featurettes on the show's music and the team's new subway base of operations.

[Blu-ray $60.10 / DVD $59.98]

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