Darth Vader #9
Given his recent actions Darth Vader finds himself responsible for helping to lead an investigation into a theft against the Empire that he helped plan. While outwardly supporting Imperial Inspector Thanoth's investigation of the destruction of an Imperial ship and the theft of a large stockpile of credits, Vader also swiftly hides his own tracks by doing whatever is necessary to distance himself from the series of events.
Given Thanoth's prescence Vader's plans to use the wealth to further his own goals are put on indefinite hold, however the storyline does put the Dark Lord of the Sith in an unusual situation which should be enjoyable to see play out.
With nearly all of the comic centered around Vader we don't get much from Aphra, although Darth Vader #9 does tease a new storyline for her as well as she pays handsomely or information she could have otherwise procured in order to find someone who will likely be of interest not only the rogue archaeologist but her new employer as well. Worth a look.
[Marvel, $3.99]