Batman '66 #25

Mashing up the classic and current versions of the character with a 60s take that fits the old television show, Batman '66 #25 introduces the world to its version of Harley Quinn complete with roller skates, giant hammer, and a new version of her classic black-and-red costume. After introducing the good doctor two years ago in Batman '66 #11, issue #25 gives us the first appearance of "the Harlequin" who begins terrorizing Gotham City with a series of madcap crimes including stealing the Bat Phone and putting together her own gang (which is where the Dynamic Duo finally catch up with the new villain).

The comic's back-up story by Gabriel Soria and Ty Templeton features Barbara Gordon taking down the Penguin, the Joker, the Riddler, and Catwoman when the four villains lay siege to the ad agency Miss Gordon recently began temping at. Hoping to get the ad men to rework their image, Barbara turns the villains' distrust of each other to her advantage and defuses the entire situation without ever having to don her tights. Worth a look.

[DC, $2.99]

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