Astro City #25

Astro City #25 offers a snapshot of the life of a second-generation super-hero in Hummingbird who is both gifted and cursed with unique gifts which begin to express themselves during adolescence including wings that give her the power of flight.

Drawn by guest-artist Jesús Merino, the latest issue of Astro City is very much a throwback to the kinds of comic tales that DC and Marvel, for whatever reason, seem to have gotten out of the habit of telling in favor of large-scale event tie-ins. In a single issue you could argue we get a better feel of Hummingbird than any recently-rebooted version of a major character from either of the big two comic publishers.

And she's heroic! Presented with hard choices our hero rises to the challenge to save not just one world but two. There's no cynicism or unnecessary grim filter that Busiek and Merino are forced to tell their tale through. This results in a fresh take on a rather basic premise that, like nearly all issues of the series, delivers just the kind of story you've been looking to read. Worth a look.

[Vertigo, $3.99]

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