Samurai Jack #20

Although it has far less of our title character than any other issue of the series, Samurai Jack #20 is a fitting end to IDW's comic adventures of the time-displaced samurai. Set years in the future, the issue centers not on Jack but a scribe named Mako (in deference to the actor who so brilliantly voiced the Jack's nemesis in the cartoon) who has spent his life gathering stories of Samurai Jack.

On the eve of Jack's latest, and largest, assault against Aku, Mako luckily runs into someone that not only has firsthand knowledge of Jack but who can lead him straight to the legendary warrior's camp not only allowing Mako to hear countless new stories of Jack but also meet the man himself.

Comics based on cartoons can be a real crapshoot, but Jim Zub and company delivered a strong monthly series that added rather than detracted from the franchise. Even if I'm not the biggest fan of Andy Suriano's rough art on display, this issue is a must-read for fans of Samurai Jack.

[IDW, $3.99]

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