Samurai Jack #18

The single-issue tale from writer/artist leads Samurai Jack to a marketplace where the temptation and chance to return home to the past puts the warrior in the middle of a trap laid by the evil that is Aku.

"Samurai Jack and the Fallen Four" pits our hero against a resurrected robot army Jack much face and the legendary four fallen warriors who won the battle also temporarily returned to life. After providing art for many of the previous issues of Samurai Jack, Suriano does double-duty giving us an action-packed issue that, while enjoyable, does lacks the humor of some of the best issues of the series. The twist of the Fallen Four joining Jack's side also leads to an anticlimactic conclusion as Samurai Jack is largely a bystander in the climax of the battle.

After several multi-issue arcs I'm happy to see IDW try their hand at a few one-shot adventures and explore a variety of adventures the lost samurai can have in the dystopian future. Hopefully this is a trend we'll see continue to break-up some of the longer arcs of series. Worth a look.

[IDW, $3.99]

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