Person of Interest - Search and Destroy

Unable to locate The Machine, Samaritan destroys the life of the creator of the world's most prolific anitvirus software in order to use his program for its own ends. Destroying his reputation, work, and marriage before assigning him for deletion Sulaiman Khan (Aasif Mandvi) becomes Reese's (Jim Caviezel) latest number. But to keep the man alive they'll need the help of Root (Amy Acker) and answers for what Samaritan is using the stolen software to search for.

Ever since last season's finale the noose around The Machine and its agents has been tightening. Given Root's actions the group has been able to stay active and continue saving people but Samaritan has continued its relentless search. Based on what we learn in "Search and Destroy" it's not a matter of if Samaritan finds The Machine but when. The episode also marks one of the few failures as Finch and Reese are unable to save their number from the business end of a Decima bullet shortly after realizing the true scope of what destroyed his life.

"Search and Destroy" leaves some important questions unanswered. Just why did The Machine want Root to procure an unbreakable briefcase with a Faberge egg only to destroy the priceless artifact? The end of the episode suggests The Machine isn't on any network. If that's the case how is it finding the numbers and passing along the information to Reese and Finch? And how long before Root's failure to kill Martine (Cara Buono) comes back to bite the team at the worst possible time?

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