Convergence #0

For the first time since the launch of the New 52 three-and-half years ago I'm actually excited about a mainstream DC event focused on offering classic versions of heroes from different decades. DC's major Spring-Summer storyline kicks off her not with a roar but a whimper that despite giving us multiple versions of Braniac feels every bit a New 52 story.

Convergence #0 sets up the premise of the event with Braniac stealing cities from all over the Multiverse for his own collection. However the only hero we see in the first issue is the current version of Superman taken captive by the alien menace who changes form throughout the issue from the classic version to a zombie look and new version with various others in-between including the Bronze Age robotic version and his look from Superman: The New Animated Adventures.

After reading Convergence #0 I have more doubt about the event and whether the number of writers and artists tasked can get the right feel for the various characters. I have no doubt there will be gems to be discovered over the course of multiple months but after this incredibly overpriced $5 kick-off issue I'm less sure about the overall event. Hit-and-Miss.

[DC, $4.99]

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