The Flash: Season Zero #5

"Smoak Signals" reunites the Flash and Felicity when Green Arrow's Girl Friday is target by killer robot drones known as Sky Lords who have been programmed to take out Ms. Smoak. I though the two shows gave up on the possibility of a Felcity/Barry relationship far too quickly so its fun to see the two thrown together here (albeit as friends). Given that the issue teases, but doesn't offer the identity of, who wants Felicity dead I'm betting we'll see the thread of this story picked up in the near future.

The first few pages of the issue also give us Felicity watching the Flash battle the Hydro Hunter whose origins and motivations aren't explored here. The fight is fun but given the level of the villain's powers he seems an odd choice for what boils down to a pre-credit scene fight. However, the sequence does illustrate how Felicity continues to keep tabs on Barry and offer a more a-hole version of the pre-Atom Ray Palmer than we've seen on the show so far (what a dick!).

Fans of both The Flash and Arrow should enjoy the crossover even if questions are left unanswered. Worth a look.

[DC, $2.99]

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