Scorpion - Young Hearts Spark Fire

Team Scorpion is hired to find a church group of lost hikers in the Los Angeles wilderness who have been missing for 36 hours. The situation is further complicated when the team's helicopter goes down starting a wildfire that quickly spreads. The (latest) life or death situation, which thankfully this week doesn't have any global consequences, allows Toby (Eddie Kaye Thomas) to continue to chip away at Happy's (Jadyn Wong) reluctance to date and for Walter (Elyes Gabel) to seriously consider Toby's diagnosis that he's in love with Paige (Katharine McPhee).

From the final scenes it appears Walter is ready to admit, at least to himself, his feelings for Paige, while Happy and Toby's romantic relationship appears to be ready to begin in earnest as well. More than the romantic subplots brought to a boil by the increasing chances of every member of the team being burned alive, "Young Hearts Spark Fire" is a Sylvester (Ari Stidham) episode as the team's least heroic member proves his worth by putting his own life in danger to save the helicopter's injured pilot (Rick Ravanello) and get them both out alive while the rest of the team tracks down the missing hikers.

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