Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Ten #13

The afterglow of Buffy and Spike's romantic night together is short-lived as the vampire seeks out the help of Xander, and eventually Giles and Willow, when his nightmare about killing appears to be true. With the magic users seeking for any control of the vampire Xander keeps Buffy away by inviting her along for a long overdue conversation with Andrew.

Buffy artists come and go over the course of a season but I have to admit I absolutely adore Megan Levens work in this issue capturing a cool look and feel for each character, particularly Buffy. Here's hoping we see much, much more of her work on Season Ten and beyond.

As to the story, Spike's pro-active nature in investigating the mystery bodes well for his future with Buffy (and produces a humorous reaction from his roommate). As to the cause of Spike's bad dreams I wonder if we may look back to a First Season episode of Angel for a possible explanation as new trouble from William the Bloody's past may have recently arrived in town. The Andrew subplot, while really not much more than filler, is a well-handled look at someone finally coming to terms with their sexuality with the support of their friends. Worth a look.

[Dark Horse, $3.50]

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