The Flash - Crazy for You

Although the main story lacks a big name Flash villain there's quite a bit to enjoy in the latest episode of The Flash. "Crazy for You" introduces our hero to a new meta-human in the unfortunately-named Peek-a-Boo (Britne Oldford) who has the ability to teleport short distances within line-of-sight allowing her to break her boyfriend (Micah Parker) out of prison and go into business for his boss using her powers for big scores leading her into contact with the Flash (Grant Gustin).

Although slower than our hero, her ability to transport out of his grasp gives her a distinct advantage. Given the storyline involves a recently-escaped prisoner and his underworld boss, the show uses the opportunity to write in a larger role for Henry Allen (John Wesley Shipp) who jumps at the chance to help his son (even if it lands him in the prison infirmary). It also allows for a touching later scene between father and son to discuss the Flash's heroics and remind us that Barry isn't the only smart guy in the Allen family as Henry, based on the Flash's humorous retribution of the prisoner who attacked him, has deduced Barry's secret.

The episode's B-story brings back Hartley Rathaway (Andy Mientus) to better explain the basic idea of Firestorm (Robbie Amell) who convinces Cisco (Carlos Valdes) to temporarily let him out of the Star Labs prison before eventually make his escape. That, along with the episode's final scene giving us our first glimpse of an impressive Grodd (at least what we see of him in the shadows of the city's sewers), means the streets of Central City are a little less safe than they were at the beginning of the episode.

"Crazy for You" makes good use of every aspect of its plot. Even Barry and Caitlin's (Danielle Panabaker) night of karaoke serves a larger purpose to help each move on from their feelings tied to loved ones they can't have as well as introducing a new love interest for Barry in Linda Park (Malese Jow) who in the comics married Wally West. I'm interested to see just how long Linda sticks around with this Flash and I wonder, if things get serious, whether she might become the next victim given the eventual return of the Reverse-Flash.

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