The 7th Sword #7
The seven-issue mini-series from writer John Raffo and artist Nur "Popia" Iman comes to a close in The 7th Sword #7 as the reluctant samurai Daniel Cray, after recovering his lost Malathane sword in the desert, chooses to return and fight alongside the small army of ZenZion against the vast array of mutants and mechs under the command of the vicious warlord Kavanaugh.
The final issue of the series doesn't skimp on action as Cray leads the small force against overwhelming odds leaving broken bots and bodies in their wake. The 7th Sword #7 also delivers on the long-teased fight between Cray and Kavanaugh's cyborg assassin Superfecta 5 (which takes place over eleven pages with other action mixed in).
With the mini-series coming to a close and Cray choosing to stay in ZenZion I'm not sure whether or not we'll eventually see further adventures of the space mercenary samurai but for while it lasted The 7th Sword #7 proved to be a fun ride. Worth a look.
[IDW, $3.99]