Scandal - No More Blood

The Fourth Season's opening arc centering on the abduction of Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington) to pressure President Grant (Tony Goldwyn) to sending troops into harms way and the sale of Olivia to the highest bidder ends with "No More Blood." Although I'm sure their will be plenty of fallout from her traumatic experience (as evidenced in the short interview Olivia makes towards the end of the episode after her rescue) the episode ends with our heroine back in Washington, D.C. and the unexpected return (albeit brief) of one of her former gladiators (Henry Ian Cusick).

With Olivia back, with new issue to divide her and Fitz, and Huck (Guillermo Díaz) taking care of the Vice President (Jon Tenney) in a way that allowed him to keep his promise to Quinn (Katie Lowes), the episode wraps up the various loose ends of the storyline began in last season's finale. Stephen's brief return was a nice touch to remind longtime viewers of one of Olivia's former gladiators, and I'm sorry that he isn't sticking around for more episodes. Olivia will no doubt fight the trauma of her ordeal through the rest of the season, but it will be nice to see Scandal returning a fully-stocked Olivia Pope & Associates back to doing what they do best.

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