The Flash - Revenge of the Rogues

Since his defeat to the Reverse-Flash in the mid-season finale Barry (Grant Gustin) had rededicated himself to stretching the limits of his abilities, getting faster, and reclaiming the moniker "The Fastest Man Alive." The intense training comes at the cost of his new super-hero duties which causes problems for Central City when Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller) and his new partner Heat Wave (Dominic Purcell) return to town spoiling for a fight.

Although we've seen a handful of the Rouges so far (including Captain Boomerang showing up on Arrow), "Rogues Revenge" is the first time we see a partnership and the beginning of a formation of Flash's rivals as a team to take him down. Parts of the episode feel very much like a Silver Age comic (a $25 million painting perfectly illustrating heat and cold just happens to be in town) but it plays well as Barry quickly learns he can't put down his responsibility, even temporarily, to the city who needs the hero's protection. And by the end of the rumors of the city's new hero will proven true as the Flash will race out of the shadows and into the limelight.

Heat Wave is far less interesting a character than Captain Cold, but Purcell's casting works to bring out his madness. The villains' decision to kidnap Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker), who also begins investigating Project F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M., and Cisco's (Carlos Valdes) attempt to help arm the Central City Police against Captain Cold give Barry's support their own subplots and help reincorporate Star Labs' usefulness to people other than just Barry Allen. The awkwardness between Barry and Iris (Candice Patton) continues as she moves in with Eddie (Rick Cosnett) and Jesse L. Martin steals a couple of nice moments as the over-protective father forced to allow his little girl to grow-up.

Although the name of the episodes suggests a bigger team, "Revenge of the Rogues" continues to piece together the notorious group of Flash villains teasing us with another member in the closing moments of the episode and the introduction of yet another next week. I liked how driven Barry was following his defeat at the hands of his mysterious looming adversary but it looks like he's going to have his hands full with plenty of other baddies before he gets his rematch against the Reverse-Flash.

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