Marvel's Agent Carter - Time and Tide
With her colleagues turning their attention to Jarvis (James D'Arcy) after discovering one of Howard Stark's (Dominic Cooper) cars was at the Roxxon explosion Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) has to take one for the team, making the men in her office think even less of her, and then figure out just what happened to all of Stark's stolen technology. By the end of "Time and Tide" most of the stolen tech will be recovered, Peggy will have a better understanding of Jarvis, and the SSR will redouble their efforts into finding and punishing Stark blaming the missing inventor for the death of one of their own.
Atwell continues to be the best piece of the show, but given its set-up Peggy secret heroism goes unnoticed at best or is rewarded with only tragedy. Three episodes in the show is still spending quite a bit of time on the daily workings of the SSR offices and Peggy's colleagues, even the dead one, who aren't worth the time. Lyndsy Fonseca continues to be a bright spot in the B-stories as Peggy's lone friend outside of work, but they're more filler than anything else at this point.
Krzeminski's death makes it personal for the entire SSR who are more than wiling to lay the blame at Stark's feet. The fact that Peggy's anonymous tip led the man into his gruesome end hits our heroine hard. As for the identity of the person who actually shot the SSR agent and witness, based on the shadowy footage we're given I have a guess about one of the season's upcoming twists. As for Stark betraying Peggy, which we've seen in every trailer for the series so far, that apparently will finally take place next week hopefully jump-starting the show a bit.