Usagi Yojimbo: Senso #5
Setting up the mini-series finale next month, Usagi Yojimbo: Senso #5 brings Buichi Kubo to the land of the Komori Ninja Clan as old enemies will put aside their differences to work together to take on the invading aliens and their tripods of destruction.
Although there's plenty of action, we don't get as much of Usagi Yojimbo in this issue as the majority of the the issue focuses on the kamakaze attack of the Komori and samurai and most of the final few pages deals with Lord Noriyuki attempting to convince the Shogun's emissary Minister Hina of an unconventional plan to destroy the last of the alien invaders.
As Usagi Yojimbo: Senso #5 comes to a close it teases us with what writer/artist Stan Sakai has in mind for the finale as everything involving the alien destruction has led to the creation of a weapon powerful enough to take on the enemy. That last panel is amazing! I can't wait to see it unleashed! Worth a look.
[Dark Horse, $3.99]