Batman '66 #17

Lost in his delusional state as King Tut once again, the history professor turned super-villain unleashes an ancient plague upon Gotham turning the local populace into mindless zombies for their new pharaoh to control. Thankfully for the city's inhabitants, Batman is up on his Egyptology and exploits an obvious flaw in the villain's latest mad scheme.

King Tut seems to be a favorite of the Jeff Parker and other writers and artists as the villain makes yet another appearance in the comics while several other classic characters have seen far less attention. Much like his previous appearances, the standard set-up applies as Batman and Robin outwit the deranged pharaoh and conveniently knock the man on the head leading to him recovering his wits once again (almost as conveniently as the original hit which transformed him back into Tut at the beginning of the comic). The zombie plague is a bit bizarre, but Parker has fun with the concept having the mindless citizens bury the Dynamic Duo alive leading to their triumphant resurrection in time to foil the villain's plans once more. For fans.

[DC, $2.99]

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