Usagi Yojimbo: Senso #4
Trapped in the wreckage underneath the latest alien spacecraft to crash land in the area, Usagi Yojimbo: Senso #4 offers a few stolen moments between Usagi and Tomoe filling in some of the lonely future for the rabbit ronin should his path follow the template of events this version of events suggests.
Once again the mini-series delivers its share of action pitting Usagi and Tomoe against an entire spaceship of the octopus-like alien invaders. Thankfully the pair are able to hold their own until help arrives. However, on a larger scale their may be no help coming that can save the land from the alien technology (as I continue to wonder just how far Stan Sakai may take his War of the Worlds story arc).
In the middle of what appears to be a hopeless situation the issue offers a rather bleak picture of what's to come. However, those with faith in Miyamoto Usagi know that the rabbit ronin has a knack for always finding a way. Worth a look.
[Dark Horse, $3.99]