Castle - Montreal

While Castle (Nathan Fillion) continues to search for what happened to him during the missing months, the mystery writer returns to work with Beckett (Stana Katic) to investigate the bizarre murder of a toy company founder and CEO who in the weeks leading up to his death had been dressing up in old-man make-up and working anonymously as a janitor for one his company's warehouses. Eventually the team puts the pieces of the mystery together, uncovers a smuggling ring, and nabs their killer. Castle, however, is left with only more questions.

A clue leads Castle to a safety deposit box in Montreal where he discovers video farewells he left for his mother, Alexis (Molly C. Quinn), and Kate if he died during his time away. Other than a location, the mystery doesn't reveal any other facts about the missing months except for the appearance of the mystery man (Matt Letscher) who reveals it was Castle's decision to not remember what happened during this period. With Castle choosing not to remember the question becomes just how bad a situation did the writer find himself while he should have been enjoying his honeymoon?

The end of the episode teases Castle putting the search into his disappearance on hold (which, considering it continues to screw with the show's chemistry and storylines in both big and small ways, would probably be a good idea), but I don't buy him giving up this easily. Although the awkwardness from Castle and Beckett is mostly gone by the time the episode begins, they're far from back to normal. The idea of Alexis tagging along on the Canadian trip to keep Castle in line provides a couple of nice scenes between the pair while Kate, despite her reservations to Lanie (Tamala Jones), in my least-favorite scene of the episode, seems to be sticking by her man however bizarre the truth turns out to be.

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