Detective Comics #33

With removal from duty and subsequent Jim Gordon's arrest the GCPD isn't quite as accommodating to Batman as it has been in the past. After getting stuck in the middle of a Mexican stand-off between members of the Squid's organization and the Kings of the Son, Batman must also avoid the police who show up to arrest everyone involved.

Despite their mutual distrust and low opinion of each other both Batman and Harvey Bullock manage to make the same deductions leading to a confrontation between the pair. Of course the tease of the danger both are ignoring while throwing insults and punches at each other suggests Batman and Bullock will have to find a way to work together to put an end to the return of Icarus and make it out alive.

Once again Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato are able to deliver a strong Batman story with gorgeous artwork. If I have one major nitpick its using the Christopher Nolan crutch of having other characters make important deductions before Batman (such as Alfred here). Let Batman be the Dark Knight Detective. Worth a look.

[DC, $3.99]

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