She-Hulk #5
With the opening arc to the new series complete, She-Hulk #5 moves forward with finally delving into the mysterious "Blue File" concerning a law suit in North Dakota with several heroes and villains named as defendants including She-Hulk. As Angie and Hei Hei head to a North Dakota courthouse to look for records of a case that's been buried for years, She-Hulk sends Hellcat to discuss the lawsuit with fellow ex-Avenger Tigra while the jolly green lawyer pays a visit to the Shocker.
The jump from Javier Pulido's art (found in the first four issues of the series) to that of Ronald Wimberly is more than a little jarring. That said, writer Charles Soule does well offering the reader breadcrumbs about the Blue File while not revealing anything more than the mere mention of the plaintiff or case can cause hero, villain, or city employee to go crazy. Pulido's style doesn't work for me here, particularly in the big fight between Hellcat and Tigra, but the issue does provide a few fun such as the Shocker's misconception about just how many Thors there are in the Marvel Universe. For fans.
[Marvel, $3.99]
The jump from Javier Pulido's art (found in the first four issues of the series) to that of Ronald Wimberly is more than a little jarring. That said, writer Charles Soule does well offering the reader breadcrumbs about the Blue File while not revealing anything more than the mere mention of the plaintiff or case can cause hero, villain, or city employee to go crazy. Pulido's style doesn't work for me here, particularly in the big fight between Hellcat and Tigra, but the issue does provide a few fun such as the Shocker's misconception about just how many Thors there are in the Marvel Universe. For fans.
[Marvel, $3.99]