Perception - Paris
Daniel Pierce's (Eric McCormack) blissful holiday in Paris gets complicated when a man pretending to be an agent (Josh Cox) of the FBI working overseas enlists the good doctor's help in acquiring stolen Chinese medical research which could help out a great many people with neurological disorders including Pierce. The hand-off goes smooth but things get complicated when Pierce is accosted by Chinese thugs looking for the missing pen and later learns the man presented himself as Agent Drexler isn't actually a member of the FBI. The stress of the situation brings back Pierce's delusions making it hard to impossible to convince the real Agent Drexler (Malou Beauvoir) that any part of his story is true.
After Pierce is arrested by French police for the murder of a Chinese man, Kate Moretti (Rachael Leigh Cook) and Donnie (Scott Wolf) fly overseas to offer their support but regardless of how the case turns out Daniel's relationship with Miranda (Perrey Reeves) isn't strong enough to survive. With French authorities pushing Pierce, Kate, and Donnie out of the country. Thankfully, wit the help of a hallucinatory mime, Pierce puts the pieces together and discovers the identity of the person (Carlos Leal) behind the bizarre plot created in part to make the doctor look as insane as possible in front of the woman he loves.
Back in the United States Haley (LeVar Burton) and Lewicki (Arjay Smith), unaware of Daniel's current predictiment, work together to pave the way for his return to the university by blackmailing the dean in Dr. Pierce's name. Along with the quick dissolve of his relationship with Miranda, the actions of Haley and Lewicki work to deal with the lingering issues of last season's cliffhanger and reset the show back to the status quo. And Donnie's proposal seems to further put a hold on any Daniel and Kate romance possibilities (which I'm not sure would be in the show's best interests to ever pursue).