Detective Comics #32

The Icarus storyline continues as both Batman and Harvey Bullock continue to investigate the return of a dangerous street drug to Gotham the GCPD successfully stamped out years ago. Co-writers Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato keep Batman up late enough for an early dawn conversation as the Caped Crusader attempts to comfort the daughter of the woman who overdosed from the drug on Bruce Wayne's front lawn.

The first-half of the issue deals primarily with both Batman and Bullock's investigation, but the second-half of Detective Comics #32 amps up the action as the Batman infiltrates the Squid's lair and finds himself in a fight for his life against the would-be kingpin's pet as well as in the middle of a stand-off between the Squid's men and the Kings of the Sun.

Although neither the Squid nor the biker gang pose much of a threat, the mystery of Icarus continues to allude both Batman and Bullock as the new creative team provides another beautifully-illustrated issue of a Batman comic I'm really enjoying. Worth a look.

[DC, $3.99]

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