House of Lies - Joshua
The Third Season finale opens with Marty (Don Cheadle) and Jeannie (Kristen Bell) finally together, but the momentarily bliss won't last long as the FBI begin a massive investigation into Kaan and Associates brought on by Jeannie divulging some company business to a friend in the Department of Justice in an attempt to win a government contract. Although the Feds don't find what they are looking for, they do discover evidence of enough unethical and downright illegal maneuvers to arrest Marty Kaan.
Just the news of the FBI's investigation causes clients to begin to jump ship as Marty, Jeannie, Clyde (Ben Schwartz), and Doug (Josh Lawson) do what they can to right the ship. For the few minutes in which it lasted the pairing of Marty and Jeannie worked well, but facing criminal charges and being forced to sign over Kaan and Associates to Jeannie to stop the government from doing more damage to the company he built, the pair are further apart than ever as the season comes to a close.
Along the way "Joshua" offers a few other tidbits including Marty and Roscoe (Donis Leonard Jr.) putting aside their recent hostility to each other, although Marty's position on Lex (Bex Taylor-Klaus) certainly hasn't changed. We also get Doug pitching his novel, which may or may not be worse than swallowing "shit-covered razorblades," to his trapped co-workers while the FBI tear the office to pieces. With Jeannie running the office and Marty (I'm guessing) finding some kind of loophole or making a deal to stay out of prison (unless the next season begins after a brief prison stay), it will be interesting to see what direction the show takes when it returns for its Fourth Season.