Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #32

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' Northampton exile comes to an end with the arrival of Koya and his flock of assassins. The ensuing battle brings Leonardo all the way back to fight alongside his brothers and Splinter, creates a rift between Raphael and Alopex (ending my hopes of seeing more of the two any time soon), and reveals the existence of April's unusual friends to her parents.

Given Leonardo's brainwashing and his distance from the rest of the Turtles it's good to see him back in the thick of it when his family needs him most. It's also clear that despite the Shredder's teachings Leonardo is no more bloodthirsty or vengeful than the the turtle was before his time in the Foot Clan.

I have to say I really enjoyed Ross Campbell's art in this issue, especially with Alopex (who I am definitely going to miss as the arctic fox doesn't accompany the turtles back to New York) and as he captures the joy of the Turtles in the midst of the battle with assassins. Worth a look.

[IDW, $3.99]

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