She-Hulk #1

I've always liked She-Hulk and although her involvement in Future Foundation wasn't enough to keep me coming back to that series I'm pleased to see the lawyer/super-hero get her own well-deserved title (although I think Marvel misses a huge opportunity by not relocating her to the West Coast as the trouble she could get into with Daredevil, in and out of the courtroom, would be a real treat).

The first issue deals more with She-Hulk's role as a lawyer than super-hero as she quits here well-paying job at a prestigious law firm rather than trade on her super-hero connections and takes a case of a widowed single-mother who has a case against Tony Stark's company stealing her husband's work.

Although I think it goes too far, the automated levels Stark leaves between himself and any legal problems (even those brought to him by friends) is humorous as things get more complicated and further out of hand before She-Hulk goes into smash mode to get his attention. Overall a solid first issue (even if I'm not sold on the art of Javier Pulido that appears to be aping Mike Allred's art on FF). Worth a look.

[Marvel, $3.99]

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