Atlantis - The Furies

Pythagoras (Robert Emms) is not pleased by either the looming mission to guard a caravan and its dowry from Atlantis to Helios nor the arrival of his brother Arcas (Will Merrick) who decides to join the group on the dangerous trek through the desert. After taking refuge in a temple of the Furies on night, Arcas siezes the opportunity to call on the spirits to wreak vengeance on the murderer of his father who has long gone unpunished unaware that Pythagoras is actually responsible.

On the way to Helios the caravan has to deal with marauders, a member of the group (Hasina Haque) who Hercules (Mark Addy) find suspicious attempts to steal the treasure, and the odd sandstorms which keep popping up after Arcas summons the Furies. With the caravan under full attack from some magical force Pythagoras is forced to admit the truth to his brother as only Arcas' honest forgiveness can break the spell.

"The Furies" fills in a bit of Pythagoras' backstory and gets the heroic threesome out of the Atlantis one a very non-scenic journey through the desert to a town that looks remarkably like Atlantis. The introduction of Arcas and his entire arc from angry son to forgiving brother feels unnecessarily crammed into a single episode. I wasn't surprised by Philemon's (James Rastall) choice to cancel the arranged wedding in favor of staying with the alluring thief, but I would have liked more on the true story of Baucis (Haque).

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