Glee - Previously Unaired Christmas
Set during the show's previous season, this "lost" Christmas episode (obviously filmed this year) centers around various Christmas themes in both New York and Lima. As Rachel (Lea Michele), Kurt (Chris Colfer), and a visiting Santana (Naya Rivera) all struggle with their holiday jobs as Christmas elves, the New Directions focus on winning McKinley High's room decoration contest and auditioning for role of Mary in the live nativity that Marley (Melissa Benoist), Unique (Alex Newell), Tina (Jenna Ushkowitz), and Kitty (Becca Tobin) all have their eye on.
The tree trimming and room direction storyline never quite takes off despite Tina's obsession or Sue (Jane Lynch) being in control of judging the contest. Despite thinking she's wrong for the part and refusing to try out, eventually the New Directions find a way to convince Kitty to take the role of Mary for the nativity. And, in the episode's best sequence, Kurt, Rachel, and Santana (with the addition of helium) perform the chipmunk roles for "The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)" along with the stripping Santa Claus (Bryce Johnson) who robs them later that night.
As expected, the music from the episode all has a holiday theme including Kurt, Santana, and Rachel performing "Here Comes Santa Claus" in the mall, Mr. Shue (Matthew Morrison) and the New Directions sing "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree," Unique, Marley, and Tina performing Boney M.'s "Mary's Boy Child" and Diana Ross & the Supremes' "Love Child, and the entire cast in both New York and Lima perform "Away in a Manger" in the episode's closing number.