Person of Interest - The Crossing

As Reese (Jim Caviezel) and Carter (Taraji P. Henson) attempt to escort a wounded Quinn (Clarke Peters) into FBI custody, Finch (Michael Emerson) receives Reese's number from The Machine who every criminal and killer in the city are hunting to claim the bounty put on his head from HR. Before Shaw (Sarah Shahi) and Fusco (Kevin Chapman) can arrive as back-up, Finch looses contact with Reese forcing Finch to consider doing the impossible and asking Root (Amy Acker) for help as Fusco and Shaw split up to cover both routes Carter and Reese could use to get into Manhattan.

After helping his friends break through a HR checkpoint Fusco is captured by Simmons (Robert John Burke) and Peterson (Lee Tergesen) who, together with their thug (Khalil Kain), attempt to force Lionel to give up the location of Carter's evidence on HR.  Despite being tortured, Fusco manages to hold out even after Simmons threatens the live of his son. Unable to save Fusco, Shaw chooses to save his son but is unable to offer any other help to Lionel. And with Finch unwilling to ask for Root's help, the odds are looking good that a cornered Reese and Carter won't make it through the night either.

And then the twist, which was tremendously helped by the ad campaign strongly suggesting a hero (while showing scenes of Fusco's torture) wouldn't make it through the night. Despite the commercials and lead-up to Fusco's demise the detective manages to improbably survive. However, true to their word, the show does indeed kill off a series regular in the episode's final scene which has the added emotional impact given Reese and Carter's heart-to-heart earlier in the episode (the first clue that a twist might have been in the making). Next week's wrap-up of the show's "three-week event" should be explosive as the Reese, Finch, Shaw, and Fusco will work together to get revenge for their fallen friend on the man who gunned her down (Simmons) and the man responsible for the shooting (Quinn).

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