Wednesday, November 6, 2013

G.I. JOE #9

As the separate JOE teams take on the three Cobra attacks which came from Duke's new source, Destro and the Baroness contact the JOE leader under the old proverb "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" and lead Duke to the lair of the Mad Monk. What Duke and Destro don't realize, however, is the new head of Cobra's operations in New York is two-steps ahead of them.

Destro receives an unexpected visit from the new Cobra Commander, and his elite strike force, who is none to pleased to discover Destro has sold out a member of Cobra to G.I. JOE. Meanwhile, Duke doesn't realize every move he takes makes him look that much more guilty to his team who have already begun to suspect that Duke may be Cobra's mole.

The issue ends with Scarlett and her team unable to deny the damning evidence and setting out after their leader and the Mad Monk captured by Duke who is shocked to learn the final card the villain has left to play concerning Duke's wife. Worth a look.

[IDW, $3.99]

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