G.I. JOE #10

"Threat Matrix" comes to an end as Duke confronts the Mad Monk, the Special Missions team hunts down the JOE leader who Cover Girl believes may be Cobra's mole, and the Baroness is forced to make a choice between Cobra and Destro when Cobra Commander and his troops invade the arm seller's home.

By the end of the issue the JOEs will stop the Mad Monk's plan and save Duke's comatose wife whose chest the villain's wife and daughter strapped the bomb to. It's not a complete win as Monk gets away and questions linger about Duke's unexplained wealth (which we learn about in the issue's final flashback).

The split between Destro and Cobra opens up new possibilities for the character and I'm happy to see the series sticking with the relationship between the Baroness and her silver-headed boyfriend. The flashbacks certainly give Duke a feet of clay which I have mixed feelings about as I do with Monk getting away to cause more trouble for the JOEs in the future. For fans.

[IDW, $3.99]

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